Dat face. With dat outfit. |
Episode 3:
The search for the penguin drum continues as the boys continue to monitor Ringo. Himari's possessor/alien thing/penguin hat decides to remind the two brothers of the consequences they will receive for ignoring her request for the penguin drum by briefly killing Himari off (and bringing her back to life after the two have learned their lesson). Ringo is given a bit more background, featuring her family life and obsession with curry. Oh yeah, and there was this:
*Sparkles* |
There's a lot more symbolism in this episode (as if the opening and ending videos didn't have enough, not that symbolism is a bad thing), and, I'm going to take a guess here and say that Ringo's diary is the penguindrum. I may be wrong, but seeing as it appears in the opening and Ringo is always seen carrying it around with her, it's most likely plot-related. Anyway, Ringo is coming off to be a rather...
interesting character. She isn't really a creepy stalker,
completely, and she has her cute little moments here and there (though, not as much as Shoma or Himari). A new character, Yuri, Keiju's girlfriend, is also introduced. Ringo, who had planned to surprise Keiju with her homemade curry...DOES.NOT.TAKE.THIS.WELL. Before leaving Keiju's home, she switches her curry with Yuri's and takes her leave (forgetting to retrieve her shoes in her haste, foreshadow~).
Uh, yeah... |
Himari also gets more screen time (yay!) and the two end up becoming friends after Himari's penguin accidentally collides with Ringo and her curry. And thus, Kanba and Shoma start planning their next course of action...
First off, the part where Himari was wearing a cute cow costume was just fudging adorable afaghkgahfsvc (at least until she briefly died). Second, I still think that Ringo was probably dropped when she was a baby. Third, I am
so glad that this series is running for more than 20 episodes, because I
cannot handle another short 11-episode anime series (*cough*No.6*cough*). The animation is still nice, fluid, consisted, and colorful. The characters and (especially) the penguins are alot of fun to watch, and the voice-acting is top-notch.
Himari looks so cute with this hairstyle. |
This episode gets:
It's been a while since I've seen a night cap... |
Episode 4:
Ringo and Himari have gotten quite close and are shown cooking together at the start of the episode. While Kanba does his own "thing", Shoma is tasked with keeping an eye on Ringo. Sadly, Himari doesn't do much in this episode
again, and the main focus is Ringo and her obsession with curry and Keiju,
again.There was also a skunk, which might be something symbolic, which is something this show seems fond of using. Oh yeah, and Ringo's over-the-top old-school shoujo-esque imagination spots. And singing. Lots of it.
Fabulous Max~ |
Ringo was kind of, okay,
really annoying in this episode. And its pretty hard to get me to dislike a character (unless they're meant to be disliked), so I'm hoping that Ringo's character develops into something more likeable as the series progresses. One of my main gripes is how Ringo kept talking down on Shoma (precious waifu~), blaming him for all of her mishaps, and the fact that almost every time she gets an internal monologue, the words "Tabuki-san~". There was also alot of ship tease between Shoma and Ringo, so if that girl doesn't straighten her act together, I am not jumping ship.
Oh No.1, you lovable sex maniac you... |
Kanba has troubles of his own in the form of
ex-girlfriends. It would also seem that he's dealing with something related to the Penguindrum on his own...Anyways, back to happy picnic time a
crazy stalker girl's Ringo's little fantasies. Something unexpected: Yuri is EVILZ. Well, not really, but she most certainly has a dark side. But Ringo will not give up! DESTINY! Though her little plan results in her nearly drowing in a lake and getting saved by Shoma while his penguin watched with a fish in its mouth.
The penguin kind of ruins the silhouette, but its forgivable. Everything's better with penguins. |
Another solid episode with a another huge plot twist at the end. This show just loves dropping huge bombs at the end of each episode. And the singing...Just, the singing... This was an over-all fun, comedic episode that poked fun at cliche old-school shoujo series and had stalking groups of birdwatchers. As annoying as Ringo is, she does have a promise and I really do hope that she gets some character develop (which I'm sure this show will have time for). Whatever Kanba's up to also shows promise...
This episode gets: