Claude's imagine spots are so cute. |
Episode 3:
Claude learns more about Yune's culture, though he does misinterpret most of her explanations. The little shota from the first episode is shown again, but we still don't know much about him as Claude discourages Yune from making contact with him. He then lectures her on not being too "friendly" with people she doesn't know well, especially street children. Later, we are introduced to two new characters: Alice and her older sister, Camille. They are both the daughters of the wealthy Blanche family responsible for running most of the surrounding stores out of business.The two also have an older brother, but we have yet to be introduced to him. Alice, a fangirl of all things Japanese, is revealed to be the one responsible for purchasing Yune's mother's kimono. Elsewhere culture clash session, and Claude goes off to sell his latest sign, leaving Yune in charge.Oscar comes back not long after and Yune goes after Claude, umbrella in tow, when she realises that it will rain soon.
Alice annoys me so far. |
And now I'm hungry. |
Yune earns a few stares from the passing Parisians with her foreign umbrella. Aside from the backgrounds, another thing I love about this show is the sounds. In the first episode, we had Yune's disting sandal clanking. This time, we're treated to the soothing sound of rain which resonate through Yune's traditional Japanese umbrella. Elsewhere, Claude stops by the stationary shop on his way home to buy proper paper from Yune to write letters with. He bumps into Yune on the way out, and the two share the umbrella along the way. Claude comments that "Rain doesn't last long in Paris". Yune, (adorably) flustered by this information, seems set on apologizing a thousand times again. Claude, however, points out how nice the rain sounds on Yune's umbrella. The two share a cute little moment together that's topped off by a pretty sunset.
I don't know why, but I felt compelled to cap this. |
Another adorable episode, the relaxing type that just wants to make you unwind. Which is a good thing, considering that Natsume Yuujinchou was the only other show that made me feel relaxed on a regular basis, it's good to find another show to just sit back and enjoy. Claude and Yune's dynamic reminds me of the protective older brother and his adorable younger sister type of relationship, which I'll admit, isn't anything new, but it's not too over-used either. And seeing them together like this gives me warm fuzzies.
This episode gets:
Episode 4:
That poor butler, having to put up with someone like Alice everyday. |
In this episode, Alice's butler tells her about Yune, and she doesn't hesitate to send out an invitation. Claude initially declines, believing that it may be too soon for Yune to attend a party. But Alice doesn't give up and barges into the store the following day. Meanwhile, Claude and Yune have another culture clash session involving baths. Japanese take baths on a regular basis, Parisians on the other hand...Not so much. That night, Claude accidentally walks in on Yune with her make-shift bath. They make a mess of things, but since Yune's only, like, eight, we don't really see much of her body (thank God, I'd rather not enjoy some lolicon-fanservice anime) other than her little back. The next day, Alice and Yune finally meet. She immediately falls for Yune's adorableness, though she doesn't seem to be fond of Claude.
I'd react the same way if I met Yune for the first time too. |
I immediately recognized Alice's voice actress to be Aoi Yuuki, and let me just say, she can make her voice
really high pitched. And I thought she was high-pitched as Ichigo from Yumeiro Patissiere, but that's nothing compared to how giddy and hyper Alice's voice is. Anyway, back to the episode. Alice takes Yune to visit her home, she learns more about Japan and tries to convince Yune to dump Claude and live with her. Yune, being the sweetie that she is, refuses the luxurious lifestyle
and the opportunity of taking back her mother's kimono for free. She returns home to Claude, Alice in tow, and makes the three the Japanese stew she promised to make Claude earlier.
;-; |
D'aaaaaawwwww |
What I really liked about this episode was the way they showed Yune's stubborn and determined side. Her growing relationship with Claude is also a key role in this episode as well. The fact that Yune was willing to throw away such a luxurious lifestyle just goes to show how much she's grown to care for Claude, and vice-versa. Claude, on his part, had a worried expression the entire time Yune was gone. Alice, on the other hand, may actually be a good addition to the cast, if only for acting as Yune's foil (at least for now).
This episode gets: